Papa's Annual General Meeting (AGM) is coming up! We will be meeting in Papa's Park (10-17 Pulross Road, Brixton, SW9 8AF) on Saturday 8th June at 10.30am. We hope you can join us.
Find out what's been happening in the park this past year - and what we're planning for the year ahead. You will also have a chance to make suggestions and ask the committee any questions you have.
Lastly, if you are a member of the park, you can vote in our elections.
Become a member by visiting our membership page: membership gives you a discount on hall hire, plus other benefits.
We look forward to seeing you on Saturday 8th June at 10.30am.
Papa's Park 2024 AGM Agenda
1) Welcome and introductions
- Directors and trustees
- Committee members
2) Apologies
3) Member registration
4) Appointment of Officers
5) Report on activities and achievements over the last year
6) Financial report / accounts
7) Fundraising report
8) Building update
9) AOB / Questions
Close of AGM